Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Award Tag!

Hey guys!! Did you like my other post? You know the one (I hope)! Anyway today I thought I would do a really cool and down to earth post. Something you can relate to. So I, eventually, came across this idea!I carried on thinking and decided to make it a tag. I hope you like it!


1) Begin the post by introducing the tag and thank whoever nominated you.

2) List the rules
3) Make up random nominations and pair up a blogger who reminds you of the nomination (remember to say why!). Eg: I nominate (insert blogger) for the funniest blogger because...
4) Only 8 bloggers maximum are aloud! 
5) Tell the victim  nominee that you have nominated them. 
6) Leave the links of all the bloggers at the bottom of your post (optional)

The funniest blogger!

Ohhh!! This is so hard! I have seen so many humorous blog posts that I have no idea how I am going to choose just one! Wait! I can simply change the rules!! Ok...


1) Begin the post by introducing the tag and thank whoever nominated you.

2) List the rules
3) Make up random nominations and pair up a blogger who reminds you of the nomination (remember to say why!). Eg: I nominate (insert blogger) for the funniest blogger because...
4)Only 8 bloggers maximum are aloud! 
5)Tell the  victim  nominee that you have nominated them. 
6) List the links of all the bloggers you have nominated at the bottom of your post (optional) 

There we go!!  I have so many but if had to choose one two *mischevious grin* I think I would choose...  A little bit of sunshine AND Miss Internet!! I will put the links of both of these bloggers at the bottom of this post so you can check these bloggers out!  

The most thoughtful blogger!
This is really a no-brainer for me. This award goes to... Galaxy18 and MorningTime4!! Their posts always make me think!

I think that would be all for today!! But I will definitely be back at the weekend! But if you have some time to kill why don't you check out the bloggers linked down below? 

Ah, yes! I almost forgot! The nominees! And I nominate.... YOU! Yes you!! If you have a blog you should totally try this! Go on then, what are you waiting for?

Happy taggin'! 



A little bit of sunshine

Miss Internet


  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for awarding me as one of the funniest bloggers! I never really thought of myself as funny but I've been giving the title for this quite a few people! I think you're name should totally be up there for every good award there is! I agree about the thoughtful bloggers and the other funny blogger! Keep up the amazing blogging! Xoxo

    1. You very much deserved it, Miss Internet! And thank you for liking my post!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me as one of the most thoughtful bloggers you know! I feel honored. >.< I've been trying to figure out how my blog ends up fitting into the blogging world but I never perceived as thoughtful until now. Thanks so much! Like Miss Internet said, keep up the amazing work!

    xoxo Morning

    1. You welcome Morning! It was really a no-brainer for me.

  3. ya cool idea I'm totally doing this. If I can you said anyone can do it right?
