Monday, 27 July 2015

Runaway Boy

Hey guys, it's me PenGirl! And I have come up with an awesome idea!! Listen... 

Every Saturday I will write a mini chapter of a story I am writing. It will contain cliffhangers, puzzles and plenty of adventure!! If your not an adventure person then, when the series has finished, you can comment your suggestions of genre the next story will be. But this time it's going to be adventure! Got your Starbucks? Let's go! 

Zander was an average 14 year old boy. Goes to school every weekday, plays rugby and had an exceptional talent for running and sports in general. A typical teenager you might say. But ,if you look closer, his eyes are a unexplainable colour that fades in out from yellow to turquoise and his good looks were not a bother to him (though they did come in handy when it was to making acquaintances). But despite all his blessings, however helpful they may be, he didn't seem to fit in. He had few friends and got regularly bullied. But school wasn't his only problem...

Most kids look forward to getting home. They jump up when the school bell goes and race each other outside when they are excused from class. But Zander is always that last kid who is left in the dust. 

"Hey, Zander, meet you at mine?" called his best fried, Alex.
"Sorry Al have to get home quick- it's my sisters birthday."
"Sure! See ya ,then!"
Zander gave out a small sigh and collected his things. Math book? Check. Phone? Check. Pencil case? Check. Jazmin's birthday present? Oh no. His had scrambled amongst the things cluttering up inside his back pack but nothing present like fell into his hands. This was not good. He needed to get back by 4 and it was already half past 3. He would have to take the woods way. It was risky but it was quick. But it would mean he had no present for Jazmin. 

Zander ran outside to the bike shed and got on his bike. He took it to the woods and from there he started peddling as if his life depended on it. It was very dangerous to go biking in the woods. Dangers lurked and students were forbidden to set foot in there. He was scared but at the same time he was enjoying this new experiance. It was a sense of freedom he had never experianced before. But he didn't see the fallen branch in his path and before he knew it, he was on the floor. Unconscious.

You have read it. Now tell me what you think about it! In comments section below rate it, talk about it or give me suggestions on what to do next Saturday! But tell me what you think and, maybe, follow? I have added a new follow via email section so feel free! 

Stay tuned for next Saturday!



Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Award Tag!

Hey guys!! Did you like my other post? You know the one (I hope)! Anyway today I thought I would do a really cool and down to earth post. Something you can relate to. So I, eventually, came across this idea!I carried on thinking and decided to make it a tag. I hope you like it!


1) Begin the post by introducing the tag and thank whoever nominated you.

2) List the rules
3) Make up random nominations and pair up a blogger who reminds you of the nomination (remember to say why!). Eg: I nominate (insert blogger) for the funniest blogger because...
4) Only 8 bloggers maximum are aloud! 
5) Tell the victim  nominee that you have nominated them. 
6) Leave the links of all the bloggers at the bottom of your post (optional)

The funniest blogger!

Ohhh!! This is so hard! I have seen so many humorous blog posts that I have no idea how I am going to choose just one! Wait! I can simply change the rules!! Ok...


1) Begin the post by introducing the tag and thank whoever nominated you.

2) List the rules
3) Make up random nominations and pair up a blogger who reminds you of the nomination (remember to say why!). Eg: I nominate (insert blogger) for the funniest blogger because...
4)Only 8 bloggers maximum are aloud! 
5)Tell the  victim  nominee that you have nominated them. 
6) List the links of all the bloggers you have nominated at the bottom of your post (optional) 

There we go!!  I have so many but if had to choose one two *mischevious grin* I think I would choose...  A little bit of sunshine AND Miss Internet!! I will put the links of both of these bloggers at the bottom of this post so you can check these bloggers out!  

The most thoughtful blogger!
This is really a no-brainer for me. This award goes to... Galaxy18 and MorningTime4!! Their posts always make me think!

I think that would be all for today!! But I will definitely be back at the weekend! But if you have some time to kill why don't you check out the bloggers linked down below? 

Ah, yes! I almost forgot! The nominees! And I nominate.... YOU! Yes you!! If you have a blog you should totally try this! Go on then, what are you waiting for?

Happy taggin'! 



A little bit of sunshine

Miss Internet