Sunday, 21 June 2015

Dear Future Me,

I wonder what is going on right now in our house. Are you upstairs doing "homework" or maybe your on your bike and having no clue about where your going. Or maybe, your just sitting down and reading this. Which I hope you are.

It had just hit me that our annoying building work would have finished and you would be relaxing in our conservatory drinking one of mum's not-so-famous (but still AMAZING tasting) smoothies.

 I wonder how you would feel, now. My current time, place and actions would be only a discarded memory inside your brain. It's funny how our brain works. 

Now, I hope you are still blogging!! Maybe more interesting topics as your brain is constantly growing. How many veiws, comments and followers you have got? If you get over ten followers I will try and hug you. Even though I am the past for you but you are the future for me.

Now I am regarding to your new-found interests. Do you still love painting and have you FINALLY bought that watercolour set? I hope you have, so I can paint long into the evening. What bliss! 

I also hope you still like hockey no matter what people may have said to you. YOU ARE GOOD! Use you talents and you will succeed! 

I'll have to go now but I will see you in a different place, time and month. But until then: Be Unique, Be YOU!!

PenGirl Xx

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Things I want to do before I grow old.

Hey guys!! How are you? I hope you liked my previous post, What If! Your questions where all very impressive!! Today, I thought I would do a post that will show you a little bit about me and also would give you an idea about my hopes, dreams and day-to-day randomness! So, let's go!

I would absolutely LOVE to see The Northern Lights!! They have always managed to capture my mind and attention whenever someone starts a topic on them.  They are like dancing swirls of coulor and I would love to think that maybe, just maybe, I would be able to get a glimpse of the colourful heaven.

 WRITE A BOOK!! This has been a dream since I can remember and I am in much favour of pursuing it!! I do belive I have the talent but I am not sure if it would become hugely popular. That's why i started a blog to build my confidence of people reading what I have to say through the art of words. Comment down below what you think. Maybe I can follow some of your advice...?

Travel around the world. There's places to see, languages to learn and festivals to celebrate- why not go out there and just do? Because you do only live once and my plans reveal that I am going to go and live it. Live it like you should.

Be a positive inspiration/a hero to somebody. Being a person that someone looks up to can change your life and your self-esteem. Because I don't have a younger sibling, this would be a challange. But I am determined to achieve this one. Even if the others don't turn out so well. 

Have a healthy relationship with my parents. I have an off-on relationship with my parents but someday I will change that and that "someday" starts…now. I will be there to help them with the shopping. I will be there to massage their feet when they had a long day at work. And I will learn to listen when I know they are right. Because I want to do this and I will do this. 

Watch a sunrise. Watching a sunrise- or even a sunset- seems like a magical experience. The colours are magical. Reds, yellows and oranges all swirled together into one marvellous masterpiece. 

I really hope you liked my post. And this post actually made me realise a little bit about myself as well!! If you have any submissions or just agree with me then maybe comment down below and I will be sure to reply to all of you!! So with that…

See you later, 


Sunday, 7 June 2015

What if…?

Hello, readers! Last night, when I was thinking about what to do for today's post, I thought I should be a bit adventurous and do a completely different post than what I have done before and also a post that possibility would get you thinking. So I began pondering for solutions. Then it hit me. A post I haven't done before. A post, maybe, that no one has done before. A What if…? Post. I made this post up so I'll briefly explain the rules.

Ok so basically you type yourself a series of questions to answer but the interesting part is they (meaning the questions) have to all start with What if. They can be as silly as you want but they have to make sense. Then the tricky part is to answer them as sanely as possible. Got it? Ok, leggo.

What if Jupiter crashed into Earth and you had to save one thing from your household- what would it be?

Well, if Jupiter crashed into Earth and I had to save one thing it would definitely be one of my favourite books, The Dimond Theif. I know, I know! It's weird but I love books and if I could save all of them I would!! Maybe my laptop if I could sneakily add one on!!

What if food disappeared for a day?

WHAT? I LOVE food I wouldn't want it to disappear for a second! But if it did I will be sure to drink lots of water and go and scavenge for edible roots and stuff. It would be just like The Hunger Games! Which brings me onto my next question! 

What if you were chosen to be a tribute in The Hunger Games? 

Now this ones a toughie! On one hand, I would actually LOVE to be a tribute! I know it's strange and how you might get killed and stuff but the whole thrill of surviving in general seems pretty appealing. But on the other I might get killed/rebel/leave the thing I love the most- my family. AND I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BLOG!! NOOO! Ok, last question.

What if emojis weren't a thing?

If emojis aren't a thing then this gal won't be a happy unicorn! My texts would be expressionless and bland. Forget me, the whole internet world would fall!! 

Did you like the questions? Comment down below your answers to my questions or even make up some of your own!! I will definitely answer all of them!! Also any of you bloggers out there are welcome to use my idea as long as I get some credit. Anyway, that's all from me but I will be back on Saturday!! Stay tuned!

Lots of love,


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Story Extract- Part 2!

Hi again! Are you super excited for this post? Because I am!! It's the second part of my… STORY EXTRACT! Now if your new here -and really confused- then why don't you go check out my first extract and then come back to this one! So then, after this post, we can all settle down for a hot chocolate, cookies and some Netflix. But before all that, I want to announce who figured out which blogger I was from my previous post! It was... MISS INTERNET AND MORNINGTIME4 for correctly guessing that I was The Content Compleation! A very big well done to you guys! Don't worry if you didn't get it as it was a very hard challenge! Ok, so now that's all cleared up we can charge into action!

The horrified girl with the given name turned slowly on her heel, praying with all her might. It couldn't be him, could it? Her breathing seemed to have increased and she felt as if someone was plunging her head into shapeless water. By every second terror was filling her quickening heart. What was she going to do? She finally summed up enough courage to turn around and meet the face of a stranger. The girl suddenly took a huge, relived breath, only to be plunged back into water again. Suprisingly, he knows my name. How does he know my name? She began to step forward, intending to unravel the mysterious mans identity by getting a glimpse of him only be met with a tight lipped 
"Don't move a muscle." 
His voice (she knew it was a male judging by his deep tone) was strong yet somewhat elegant as if he was someone who belonged in a higher standard. But his voice wasn't going to get in the way of her finding out who this arrogant outsider is. 
"Please tell me who you are! I just want to know!
"I can't tell you," replied the man, " but I can tell you that I want you to come with me." 
"I can't" 
"Then I'll have to drag you there"  
And his hand locked firmly around her arm.

Did you like it? If so you can post a comment about what I could do better and what I did better than last time! Or you can follow? I hope you like it as all of you guys asked begged me for it! I don't mind any constructive criticism so ,please, be my guest! But I think that's all for know so...

Stay happy,