Saturday, 26 September 2015

Harry Potter Quiz!!

Hi guys!

So for today's post I thought I would make a Harry Potter Quiz! If this goes well and all of you guys like it, I may do more in the future like Doctor Who Quiz or a Hunger Games Quiz! And if you didn't know I am THE BIGGEST POTTERHEAD YOU CAN FIND!!!!!!! Ok, let's go. 

I have collected these questions and converted all of them into this post. At the time I wanted to find out with human interest and then came up with the idea of sharing this with y'all. After I publish this post, I will put a separate comment sharing the answers- BUT NO PEEKING AND NO SEARCHING THINGS UP!! So keep your answers in your head or on a bit of paper. 

Question 1
The Dementors in The Prisoner of Azkaban were based loosely around JK Rowlings depression at a difficult time in her life. TRUE or FALSE? 

Question 2
Only Alan Rickman, the man who portrayed Severus Snape, knew his fate in Deathly Hallows part 2 before the other characters. TRUE or FALSE? 

Question 3
For his audition for Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint dressed up as his female drama teacher and made up a rap about Ron. But what was the first lines? 

A: Hi, Rupert Grint here, for the share of the best character.
B: Hello, my name is Rupert Grint. I hope you don't think I stink. 
C: Hello, hello my name is Rupert Grint. You want a mint? 

Question 4
Who auditioned for both Ron Weasley and Harry Potter but didn't get it? (This is a tricky one!) 

Question 5
 During the making of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) had to have her robes' pockets stitched closed because she kept on sneaking food on set.  TRUE or FALSE? 

Well done!! You have successfully reached the end! If you want to know the answers then scroll down to the bottom to find out!! Comment down below what you got and if you liked the quiz!! But until then... 

Mischief Managed 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Self Confidence

Hi guys!!!

I know, I know I haven't posted in AGES! But I have been really busy with school stuff and all that shabazz. So, to make up for the long, unofficial break, I am going to write some uplifting content for ya all! Mainly because we have all started school and have been forced given up the Internet to do History homework... 

Self confidence is a trick ol' thing but it comes in very handy in matters when you feel a bit icky. There are lots of types of self confidence and I am going to try and give my best advice about each and every topic. 

Body Confidence 

This is something I really struggled with when I was slightly younger and occasionally still struggle with now. The thing people have to understand is that your body is yours. And no one else's. I always used to think, 'Ew I have a little bit of flab drooping down!' or 'I am sooooo short! I bet when I am older I would be a midget!'. But I soon realised that, sometimes you have to accept it and look on the brighter side. That little spot their on your chin? Well, aren't you glad that your face isn't COVERED in them? Oh, your braces and how you hate that they stick out? Very soon you would be able to take those off and smile at anything and everything whilst all those people who mocked you would have revolting yellow teeth and gum disease. And who will be the one laughing with perfectly white and clean teeth? That's right, girl, (or boy) YOU! 


I know this isn't a kind of confidence but sometimes embarrassment can hurt. So to avoid situations like this,  I am going to share a little embarrassing memory with you all! Don't worry you can laugh!! I know I did after! :) 

In physical education we where practicing long distance in preparation for sports day. It was my turn and I was racing 4 other girls. I started off pretty well but as I turned a corner I accidentally fell down onto the fairly damp grass. My glasses had bits of mud and grass on them but I got up anyway and continued running. The bad thing was that I kept on slipping up on the grass and ended up really far away from the others who were racing ahead. My self- esteem was officially lost. And, to make it worse, everyone was laughing at me. So as you might guess I came 4th out of 4 people and the boys, who where watching me, laughed so hard they were close to tears. Ever since then whenever the boys saw me they always used to say that I had already lost. Of course this didn't help and I told my mum who told me not to worry about it and that they would eventually get bored and move on. I hated this piece of advice as they still teased seemingly endlessly (my whole year joined in aswell as my crush which really hurt)  but after a couple of weeks had passed the joke had lost it's humour. The boys tried to get everyone laughing again but thankfully failed. This just shows that people really do get bored of pointless jokes that sometimes be hurtful. But you just have to keep your chin up and a smile on you face until it stops!  

Tips on how to stay positive 

In case you are dealing with embarrassment or lack of body confidence here is a few helpful tips! 

1) Keep something comforting with you 

When I was little I had this tiny little Sylvanian Family mouse- doll about the size of my thumb that I used to never part with for a second. I took it to school, swimming and even in the toilet (ew, right?). This little thing brought me so much joy and comfort but with one look from anyone else, they would instantly throw it in the bin. But, in the end, I eventually grew out of my little mouse bear -as my cousin used to playfully call it- but I still couldn't let it go. So I kept it in a small box and buried it deep in my wardrobe. A couple of years later, we are selling the wardrobe and I have the exciting job of taking all of my clothes out of it. I soon reach the bottom where all my hats and scarves are so carelessly thrown and start picking things that I want to keep. I eventually reach a little box buried deep under one of my scarves. Curiosity getting the better of me as usual, I reach down and pick it from the whirlwind I used to call my closet and look inside. Amongst  some crumpled tissue paper I see a little doll. A bit smaller than my thumb and I still have my little mouse bear with me now. 

I was recently given a little clip by my aunt who was leaving for India. It was a beautiful thing that had a gold bird at the end of it. As you looked closer you can just about make out the tiny little details on the wing and face. This is my current comfort. 

Do you have something that comforts you? Maybe something you didn't even realised you automatically put in your bag in the morning. Or maybe something you have had since you were a baby? Tell me in the comments below! 

2)  Make a positive list in your head

If you make a kind of list in your head of some positive quotes, objects that matter to you or just some simple song lyrics you particularly like. So if somebody is teasing you, you can just remember your carefully planned list and then smile and walk away! Great, right! 

3) Keep a diary!

I used to keep a diary and it helped me a lot!! Just letting all your thoughts, feelings and heart just onto the page and feeling a lovely content feeling afterwords. It can also help you sort things out in your brain. The journal is your friend. No one can judge you there and no one can hurt you there. All you have to do is keep it in a well hidden space!! 

So that's all for today, folks! But remember that you are your own person.  And NO ONE can change you except from yourself.

Don't forget to comment and follow!

The Writer