Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Types of bloggers!

Hi guys!! It's me, PenGirl! *Record scratch* What do you mean you don't know who I am? Remember my Happiness post?? Yeah, that one! Phsshhh. 

Back to the post, then!! If I had it my way, I would have made the Happiness post 1,000 sentences long!! It really shows how much happiness the world actually has- you just have to uncover it. Anyway... today I thought I would do a Types of Bloggers post! I thought it would be really cool and ,maybe, any of you fellow bloggers out there can relate. 

 Now recently I have been looking at a lot of other blogs and picking up a few tips I might want to use in my next post. And you know what? From what I read:

All of them are different in their own way.

That's where the inspiration for this blog post came from. So fellow people, unicorns and polar bears- get your hot chocolate at the ready and.... Wait!! Before we dive in I have a challenge for you. Can you guess which blogger am? If you have guessed who I am, then comment down below and I'll tell you if your right or wrong. Now, lets go!!

The Content Completion 

Now, The Content Completion is one of those bloggers who keep on going on about world peace. Who is only filled with party balloons, confetti and glitter -no blood, guts and gore! And the only annoying thing is that not one ,NOT ONE, of those bright, colourful and annoying balloons can pop. In fact, they never do. Never. Its like whenever they walk, run or even swim they leave a trail of glitter, plastic smiley faces and happiness in their wake. Yep, that's them! The... glittery....unicorn...who looks like a hundred fairy princess vomited all over them. Nailed it!! Ok, next 

The Distracted Disaster

This one can slightly get annoying. But I haven't read a blogger who is like this so don't worry!! Now ,as an example, this blogger is talking about politics and then suddenly he/she is hungry. He/she (this is getting ridiculous, I'm going to call her Sue and assume that she's a girl) correction, Sue, innocently goes to get a cookie and comes back. Then Sue starts talking about what she did last Saturday. Which instantly confuses humans and aliens alike. *Sobs* Can I get an amen? *sobs some more*.

The Slang Sprayer

This one is probably one of the most common I have seen in all of these. Judging by the title, you have probably already guessed what 

this bloggers like. Pretty much this: OMG (Oh my god)!! YOLO (You only live once)!! YOUR MY BAE (Before anyone else)! IKR (I know right)!!  Translations for all those NON- Slang-Sprayers. I'm not saying you can't say it or it's bad or anything. In fact, I even use some of these! But it doesn't mean when you are being asked     "What's 9+10?" you instantly yell "BAE!". And no. 9+10 ISN'T 21!!

Ok, now that you have met the three bloggers - can you guess which one is me? And after that, comment down below which blogger are you? Maybe you might meet some new bloggers who have a lot in common with you!! Hope you enjoyed this post!! 

Stay happy, 


Monday, 25 May 2015



Hi guys!! Did you like the quote? It's the base of my post today- Happiness. Now, I was recently looking through happiness quotes and I came across this one. I read it and it got me thinking: Most people are happy because they are content with everything in their life. They think that all the bills are paid and their car is clean.

But this quote says that you should do otherwise. 

It says that you should see the positive in everyone and everything around you even when your sad. But think about this honestly. When was the last time you turned a negative into a positive? And suddenly it hit me. Many people are happy today because they got a 
promotion at work or a great holiday deal but whenever that deal 
goes wrong or somebody else steals your promotion do people really say: 'Never mind'?

Now I am not suggesting everyone to do this (though it would be awsome if you tried!) because I certainly don't. But this quote made me look through an entirely different window. A path I am going to try to follow. And I hope you could join me on our Pathway to Happiness!

How to make happiness.
Warning! Will make you positively happy!

1 Bag of Smiles
2 Cups of Sharing
2 lbs of Positivity
1/2 Cup of Good Humour
1 Cup of Self- Esteem 
2 Spoonfuls of Simplicity 
I Dash of Goodwill
4 Drops of Easy- Going
and 1 Packet of Life- Loving!

Now I hope you are feeling a bit stupid now because you have realised that every negative in this whole world is an undercover rainbow. You just have to seek it. And YOU are AMAZING!

So what do you think? 

Comment down below if you want to submit a quote of your own or just comment in general! That's all from me but I have set my schedule to post every Monday and whatever I can do in between that! So stay tuned!! 

From the happiest unicorn on earth,

P.s: I want to give a HUGE hug to Girl Online because she recently designed my blog and it looks FABULOUS!! Thank you so much!! Here is her blog:

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Story extract!

Hey guys! It's me, PenGirl!! So today I am going to write a short chapter from a story I am writing. If you enjoy it or just want to give me some advise then please tell me in the comments section below! I'll try to reply back to your comments ASAP! So here goes...

She gripped the warm cup letting the warmth seep into her, her hands straining with the pain of it. She musn't stop for too long. Not now. She slowly eased herself off of the ground and shoved her things hurriedly into her old, black backpack. A bit too hurriedly. Her things spilled out in the chilly atmosphere like water causing a small racket out in the dead silence that lay around her. Keep moving. Cursing loudly, she stooped down and began to scoop up her belongings out of the cold white snow. The picture of her beloved parents, her lucky charms- which she would have to hold 
onto if she was to survive this cruel harsh winter-, her packaged food, her bottled water, her flask and her precious camera. All these little things, normal things back at home but here? Her lifeline. After she had broken out her day dream, and collected all of her things, she began to set off  for her journey once more for she had little time and oh, so much to do. She began to move her aching limbs, taking tiny steps towards her goal- Mount McKinley whilst her feet trudged in the snow every step a chore. Why had she taken up the challenge? Why did she have to prove anything? Giving out a loud sigh, she returned her thoughts back to the important things. The Adventure From Hell -and her survival. "Miss Smith?" Her heart filled with dread and realisation. She knew that voice. That deep, dark and cunning voice... 

Did you like it? If you did comment or follow! I don't mind any criticism so fire away, far away... Anyway that's all for now guys but I hopefully will be back on Friday! So with that.


Saturday, 16 May 2015

I'm PenGirl!

Hi! I'm PenGirl! Welcome to my blog!! I am a new blogger and I will be posting on this blog every week. Now you must be thinking who is this person? Well, as this blog is anonymous, I can't tell you my real name (I also will not be posting any selfies, real names of other people referred to in this blog or addresses). But I can tell you that I am a blogger hoping to have some fun by starting this place! So to start off with, I will tell you all about my likes and dislikes:

Favourite colour: Teal

Favourite food: Chicken

Favourite book (I love books!): The Hunger Games Series and Girl Online

Favourite movie: The Parent Trap and The Harry Potter Series

My hobbies: singing, acting, dancing, hockey, writing and watercolour painting!

My dream: When I was little I wanted to become a world famous actor but now I am a little bit older I would like to become an author as this is not an impossible feat! I would also like to run a successful blog that's why I started here and I hope you will (whoever you are) join me! 

I am afraid all enjoyable things must come to an end but I will post next week so see you then!!

Lots of love,
-PenGirl xoxo